My wife and I have very different leg architecture, if you will. she's rather knock-kneed and I'm bow legged. We've come to realize that different types of shoes impact us very differently. Cushioned shoes with good arch support have been a game changer for her. Meanwhile I've gone in the opposite direction with extremely thin, zero arch shoes and sandals and those have been amazing. I guess my point is that foot health is clutch and it's not one size fits all. I'm looking forward to trying those exercises this week!

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It's great you've dialed in on getting the correct shoes. This can make an enormous difference. I've experimented a lot with shoes myself and find that particularly with running, the more tactile sensation I can have with the ground while still protecting my feet with a strong rock plate, the better. Good luck with your "foot workout!"

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Aug 4·edited Aug 4Liked by Gwendolyn Bounds

thanks for these!! I have a metatarsal issue that numbs a foot after 15 miles on a bike using clip-ins so read the part about the nubby ball foot exercises with great interest, ordered one today!! Will cut out the exercises too (the big toe raise is nearly impossible haha) Dinos

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Hi - keep us posted on how the nubby ball works out. That big toe one is still tough for me, but I keep at it. Tks for reading.

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Have you ever evaluated the Blackboard foot training system? It’s a German company, the product is expensive but it is versatile and easy to travel with.

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I haven't but it looks interesting and I'm going to check it out. Thanks. I'm evaluating this one right now: The Slackblock https://www.slackbow.com/products

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