Jul 2Liked by Gwendolyn Bounds

Ohh my goodness., I too saw the business end of several bee stings about a third of the way into a real long ultra.. no mud was applied but I continued on.. however more than halfway through. I would get dizziness while climbing hills.. Enough of these episodes slowed me down to where I was timed out. The dreaded DNF. How could those little creatures who deal in sweetness hand me such a sour ending !! Ha! Tomorrow’s another day

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Tomorrow's another day. The ONLY reply to a DNF...:)

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My midlife assassin has come for my prostate, my neck (bone spurs) and my, well, body (in the form of what my doctor thinks is polymyalgia rheumatica). I only wish he came for my socks!

In all seriousness what resonated for me is the idea of perspective. I understand what some pain feels like; I think a younger me would’ve seen pain as a stop sign as opposed to a caution flag. I know what an injury feels like, and maybe that’s crystallized intelligence kicking in. And to your point, I think we need to get uncomfortable to understand the signposts, especially in middle age!

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I like what you said about "a younger me would've seen pain as a stop sign as opposed to a caution flag." We get better calibrated as we age, mentally and physically, to the things that are true red lights versus yellow lights. Agree on the signposts. Thanks for sharing. Midlife assassin leaves no stone unturned.

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